my secret weapon: aquaphor (+ a GIVEAWAY!)

I cannot stand it when my skin is dry. It drives me up a wall and I do my very best to fight it. But when winter rolls around with dry air blasting from the radiator, the battle often takes a turn for the worse. Do you have this same problem? I can’t be the only one with dry skin aggravation!

But don’t worry, dry winter skin has met its match: Aquaphor.

Aquaphor has always been in my beauty cabinet because it heals and soothes all the skin problems winter will throw your way: chapped lips, cracked heels, red knuckles. Now as winter kicks into high gear, make Aquaphor a part of your bedtime routine.

Now this is where we get a bit fancy. I swear by moisturizing gloves and socks and as unglamorous as they may look, they do make a difference. You can find inexpensive pairs at Target or Bed Bath & Beyond. Before you go to sleep, apply Aquaphor onto your feet and hands and cover with the socks and gloves. Beauty multitasking at its finest. my secret weapon: aquaphor (+ a GIVEAWAY!)

You will notice a difference immediately and soon enough, you’ll get hooked on this trick.

For your chapped lips, keep Aquaphor Lip Repair in your purse for quick touch ups. Lip Repair is also excellent for combatting the irritated skin under your nose caused by a pesky cold you caught from a co-worker.

Aquaphor is generously giving away a Winter Skin Combat package for DC Girl in Pearls readers! Complete the entries below and get your skin silky soft again.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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