new year, new neighborhood

new year, new neighborhood

Grey Moggie Press Print

It’s comical how serendipitous life can really be. A couple of months ago, I offhandedly mentioned to a good friend how I casually was looking for apartments on Capitol Hill. My commute was started to grate on me and I felt like as soon as I left work, I hit a stopwatch to try to squeeze everything in in just a few hours: errands, writing blog posts, gym time, cleaning, laundry, happy hour with friends. It was exhausting. The stars aligned and my friend replied that one of her neighbors was putting in his vacancy notice that week. It was kismet and this weekend, I’ll officially be a resident of Capitol Hill!

Thank you to my parents for making this possible, to my mom for talking me down from the ledge with my packing anxiety episodes (could you sing Soft Kitty?) and to my dad for providing the muscle and strategic planning in this move. And thank you to my friends, especially my gchat peanut gallery, for not yelling at me for my constant stream of messages over storage solutions.

And thank you to you for reading my little corner of the Interwebz. I cannot wait to show you pictures, my aforementioned storage solutions for emotionally handling a tiny closet, perhaps even a home tour vlog? It just might have to happen.

- Lauren Anne




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  1. 1.7.14
    Kathleen Walpole said:

    Yay for a new apartment! Can’t wait to see photos!