nobody’s perfect

Today’s post is a far cry from the one I originally planned. I scheduled a baking post to celebrate Easter but last night, I just couldn’t make it work (to paraphrase the deity Tim Gunn). As I whipped up the cream cheese frosting, it was smooth sailing and looked like clear skies ahead. Then, pesky food dye came into the picture and I couldn’t get even close to the shade I was aiming for. And I was covered in frosting thanks to my exuberant mixer.

One of the blogging phenomenons (or really, social media phenomenons) is this perception that bloggers have it together at all timesThat they look effortlessly stylish all the time, their souffles rise magnificently and their apartments are lavishly furnished. Well, at least for this blogger, that is simply not true. And last night’s frosting fiasco was a prime example.

I am a 24 year old who experiences bumps in the road like everyone else. It might be major like financial worries that cause me to lie awake at night crunching numbers in my head or something trivial like food dye malfunctions.  For me, the pivotal part of these anxieties is picking yourself up and figuring out a way forward. Whether that means creating a budget and kicking your Starbucks habit to save money or simply accepting the fact that your frosting isn’t going to be the perfect shade. But it’s cool, because you still have a bowl of delicious frosting. And all the ingredients for cupcakes. And the show must go on.

Please share your thoughts with me!!! I’m especially interested in hearing from you about the perception that bloggers have it all.

The show must go on

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  1. 4.8.14
    Carsla Peyton said:

    Who wants to be perfect, anyhow? What a boring life that would be! I hope you give round two a go & your baking products cooperate! ;D

    <3 Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.

  2. 4.8.14
    Seersucker Sass said:

    I agree completely! It seems like so many bloggers have their lives completely together… and I try to be honest about the fact that I just really don’t. Hang in there 🙂

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  3. 4.10.14

    There are so many bloggers that I read that look like they “have it all together” and yes that is nice, but I enjoy bloggers who talk about the realness of blogging. There are days that you don’t feel like post, something you planned doesn’t work out and the bumps in the road!
    And for making frosting, I have yet to manage that! But good luck and I am sure that it would still be amazing looking!