Thirsty Thursday: Cocktail Emoji

Cocktail Emoji - DC Girl in Pearls

I use Emojis all the time. It’s gotten to the point where I’m just as familiar with a QWERTY keyboard as I am with an Emoji one. The donut, the balloon, the okay sign, zzZZ, fist bump and the smiley face crying laughing are all repeat offenders in my Emoji game. Texting with Emojis should be considered an art form.

I’m so excited for the release of new Emojis to up the ante of my texting game!! But one Emoji has made me smile for awhile now. The fruity cocktail emoji.

It has a permanent home in my “Recently Used” column to say the least. And on more than one occasion, I’ve daydreamed about how the fruity cocktail Emoji would taste. Confession booth time, who has had a thought about how delicious this emoji would taste in real life? [Insert hand raising Emoji here]

So naturally, I had to give it the old college try to recreate it. And d*** is this cocktail good!

If I do say so myself.

Consider yourself warned.

Oh and p.s. I’m being a good blogger [Emoji pat on back] and continuing my Mix + Match addition to this series to show how to add more pineapple into your life. Because I’m pretty positive you were just wondering how you could do just that. What a coinkydink!

Thanks to Target, Forever 21 and others, you can. And on a budget! [High five Emoji]…Okay, I’ll stop now.

Cocktail Emoji - DC Girl in Pearls

Top: Lilly Pulitzer Elsa Top in Oh Cabana Boy (on eBay!) // Shorts: J.Crew Factory 3″ Chino Short // Mani: Essie Peach Daiquiri // Sandals: Jack Rogers

Cocktail Emoji - DC Girl in Pearls

Ingredients (serves 1) 

1 shot, Coconut Rum

1 can, Trader Joe’s Pineapple Juice

1 squeeze, Fresh Lime

1 splash, Grenadine


In glass, combine 1 part rum with 1 part pineapple juice. Top with fresh lime squeeze. Stir well. Add a splash of grenadine for color. Garnish with a lime wedge (optional) and add a colorful bendy straw (optional but strongly encouraged). Cocktail Emoji - DC Girl in Pearls

Cocktail Emoji - DC Girl in PearlsCocktail Emoji - DC Girl in Pearls

Cocktail Emoji - DC Girl in Pearls

 Photos by Caroline Holman

Mix + Match:

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  1. 9.11.14
    Kristin said:

    Yes to everything! I love emojis, your outfit, and the looks of that cocktail, which I will be trying ASAP 🙂
